Consort World


This software solution allows AAC users to experience a digital life by creating an ÒAAC OptimizedÓ flow that links the AAC solution to the app you are using. Compatible apps include WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Netlifx, Youtube, Tiktok, Amaz


Join-In creates an “AAC Optimized” flow that links your AAC solution to the app you are using. This flow enables you to perform both simple and complex actions by selecting a button on your AAC app using your preferred access method. By selecting AAC buttons you can

Create a post on Facebook
Respond to a message in WhatsApp
Read aloud a paragraph in a news article on MSN
Create a new playlist in Spotify
Choose a subtitle language in Netflix
Moreover, the AAC Optimized flow reduces the number of selections required for each action, and exposes features that are not supported by the regular use of Apps like

Increasing the font size of messages in WhatsApp
Automatically reading movie descriptions in Netflix
Controlling the size of search results in YouTube
Smart-scrolling through content